A global archive of independent reviews of everything happening from the beginning of the millennium

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The Willemdok at dawn with the MAS reflected in the water

With plague followed by war we cannot expect the world to stay the same. The worst of the old order can be pushed aside but we have great responsibility to conserve the best.

Sometimes something we see, we hear, we read but once has such compelling imagery - but we do not know why - until the artistic city of Antwerp delivers its analogue in art or craft made for a different purpose, in a different time, with a different meaning and we understand.

So the foolishness of wonderful Victorian brickwork being potentially destroyed finds its opposite analogue in how to do it right, and keep it right, in the brickwork of Antwerp's Art Deco.

This is why we come back.

Napoleonic residence .... Napoleonic eagle?

A hawk that cannot fly grasping the rust, fingernails downs? - the founding image, the Antwerp hand

The diamonds of Antwerp

Here honed by Zaha Hadid

To reflect the water from the Schelde [1]

.... and we, like an ocean liner, prow ahead, keel down, sail on

No longer climbing the walls trying to understand

.... why the artist has to salute so many

whilst we wait for the washing machine music of spin, spin, spin, to die down for us to hear what the artist is saying

Here the narrow-vision, deception-first, stuck-in-the-old-world, spin freaks do not get in the way of making money and fun for all.

We'll be back, Antwerp.